The first lecture
Why do people think that nonAsian combat systems lack philosophy and traditions and can’t be classified as MA?
Why do people think that nonAsian combat systems lack philosophy and traditions and can’t be classified as MA?
Alot of people say that nonAsian places and cultures don’t have martial arts because their combat systems lack philosophies and tradition.sThis is completely false!Capoeira for example has interesting philosophy and strong traditions in it!Capoeira combines elements of games, music, and dance along with deadly martial arts techniques in training!Being a skilled dancer is an important tradition of Capoeira and so is music!French Savate,though a sport now,still has strong traditions and philosophy.It emphasizes on being a gentleman !Additionally it emphasizes that a person should fight with honor and a person should be well cultured(in the French culture)!And they still have customs from over a hundred years ago such as their salutes and uniforms(especially savate’s traditional shoes)!Native American martial arts had heavy emphasize of respect for nature and often had rituals of spiritual dancing!Greek Pankration in the past had Hellenic philosophy!Glima has many customs of the Vikings!Additionally,Medieval monks created martial arts that were literally one with Christianity!You cannot practice the martial arts these monks practiced without understanding Christian spirituality and philosophy!Swrodsmanship styles of Medieval masters emphasize on being a just man with a sense of honor!Middle Eastern martial arts that are not lost and still being practiced today have strong Islamic customs and Islamic philosophy!Why do people think that nonAsian combat systems lack philosophy and traditions and can’t be classified as Martial Art?Any combat system that is effective is a martial art!And every nations had martial arts that have traditions,customs,andphilosophy!What is up with this!
Answer by Taylor
there are plenty of non-asian martial arts. I just think more emphasis is placed on the asian ones because they are still widely practiced today. You take something like Irish martial arts (collar and elbow wrestling and bare knuckle boxing) and they’re primary only taught within a family and passed down the generations.
The second lecture
The second lecture
Freehold Philosphy
You will get a different answer from each Freeholder as to what this means.
Basically it is an expression of high value for the individual and their own personal belief to be respected but not at the expense of the others or the group.
A Freeholder as an individual strives to be strong and content as a person Freeholders share freely and put the Freehold above themselves, striving for the group/hold to function with a minimum of problems. Personal conflicts or problems are solved as easily and quickly as possible with members striving for solutions that benefit all.
All members are equals, free men and free women. Our chieftains are serving their hold or ship, and we reserve the right to question their decisions. An oath of fealty is to the Freehold, not the High Chieftain, chiefs or chieftains.
We place a high value on all Society skills, and we respect all cultures religions and beliefs. But we do emphasize and give preference to the non-traditional barbarian cultures of island, fjord and steppe; the barbarian way is how we teach, play and live.
We try to extend the Freehold family into the mundane world, helping, counseling and donating where and when we can for our members who need it.
We believe all members take responsibility for their own actions. We try to avoid politics; we favor a direct approach to solving problems and doing so as quickly as possible.
We strive to create a fun and safe environment, including activities for our young people. If we are carrying a steel weapon, we do it safely and never pull it in jest.
We believe in being self-contained and being able to make what we need. Therefore we try to learn as many skills as possible. This includes Chief Alfred’s ‘rule of three’, “make one to use, one for spare, and one to sell or trade.”
The Barbarian Freehold Alliance has been in existence since the early days of the Society. We believe in flying the Freehold banner and/or wearing the Freehold favor to show our pride in the Freehold.
Freehold Traditions
We tend to be composed of members from "non- traditional" cultures such as barbarians, Huns, Mongols, Vikings, Celts, Gypsies, but are not limited to any one group. All traditions/cultures including traditional European are welcome.
MEMBERSHIP: Is open to all. Members usually bring in new prospective members as guests, but Chieftains may recruit new members on the spot for some holds, or holds just starting.. These guests/prospective members are encouraged to participate with the hold, to see if this is a family they like and find compatible. It is then left up to the prospective member to ask the Chieftain for membership. There is no time limit for how long a prospective member has to participate prior to joining a hold or group.
In the past, some Holds have held elections for new prospective members (Ravenhold did this), or in the case of Freya's Hold, you had to attend at least three meetings, actively participate, and be willing to learn Freehold history and traditions.
New members have a special fealty ceremony to honor their membership. These persons kneel before the Chieftain, pledge their loyalty to the hold and Barbarian Freehold Alliance on the hold's sword, axe, staff, stand up before the group as freemen or freewomen and are formally welcomed into the hold's family.
GENERAL: We are a "doing" household. We don't sit and just talk. We believe in being self contained; each hold strives to have its members learn as much as they can/wish on a wide variety of subjects and art forms. Each hold has its own artisans, fighters, and service people. Tradition of 3's: We make items in threes, "One to use, one for spare, and one for sale" (idea invented and shared by Chief Alfred the Smith). We believe in holding fun events open to populace with lots of contests. We are an Open Household: You can belong to any other household you please; you don't have to join us and us alone.
HOLD NAMES: Names of holds have in the past been Viking/Norse or Celtic style names such as Ekhamn's Fjord, Bjornsdaleholm, Ravenhold, Freya's Hold, Tyr's Hold, and House Bifrost. We don't know where this tradition got started, but new holds do not have to follow this tradition if they do not wish to. For example, two recent holds are Clan Dana, and Munin's Hold.
FEASTS: We traditionally have feasts that are the talk of the Knowne World, and pride ourselves on our cooking ability. For the past many years, and continuing today we hold a Harvest Feast, a private party for Freeholders, guests, and respected enemies on the Saturday after Thanksgiving. There are games, a HUGE smorgasbord dinner, awards given out, and a Bardic circle with professional and amateur entertainment until dawn.
BARDS: Bards are given special hospitality, and new bards are always welcomed around our Bardic circle campfires. We encourage the performing arts and are known for our Middle Eastern dancers and fighter-poets (skalds) and for having Bardic Circles 'til dawn. We have a reputation for throwing the best parties/Bardic circles around, with minimal drinking to boot. (In the Freehold. we don't discourage or encourage drinking but we do discourage drunkenness. You'll enjoy the party more if you're not falling into the fire or following the evening with a horrible hangover.)
PASSING THE HELM: Holds are self-supporting, and pass the helm (hat) at meetings to raise monies for their activities. Also, fundraisers can be done. In the past, the holds have held raffles for large items such as armor and pavilions, and awesome auctions in order to raise funds.
Freehold Officers: Traditionally, we have officers appointed/elected every 6 months, around the Spring and Fall Equinox. Each Hold elects or has appointed (whatever they decide) any of the following:
Lawspeaker: Keeps meetings running and may act as herald for the hold.
Rune Keener: Secretary
Keeper of the Danegelt: Treasurer
Runespeaker: Historian/editor of a Hold or group's local newsletter.
Lieutenants: Chieftain assistants. We haven't had any of these in years, but just in case ...we might. A larger hold or group with many members might have lieutenants to help members and keep things running smoothly.
Warlord: In the past, Holds have had contests of skill at arms, with winner acting as the trainer for the fighters/archers of the bold. The Warlord contest takes place twice a year, by tradition near the summer and winter solstices.
so,what is your opinion????
so,what is your opinion????