Tonight was the final match between the teams Indonesia VS Malaysia team, is it possible to reverse the Indonesian team to win the position and whether on the contrary, and hopefully not revenge Indonesian supporters like what is done by supporters of Malaysia with a laser and bombs on the first leg yesterday at the Bukit Jalil Stadium , hopefully the team can win and shut Indonesia later this year with a true victory. indonesia glory,,, jancok for malaysia,,, indonesia glory,, the whole world waiting.
Ayo putra bangsa
Harumkan negeri ini
Jadikan kita bangga
Jayalah negaraku
Tanah air tercinta
Indonesia raya
Jayalah negaraku
Tanah air tercinta
Indonesia raya
Garuda di dadaku
Garuda kebanggaanku
Ku yakin hari ini pasti menang..
Kobarkan semangatmu
Tunjukkan keinginanmu
Ku yakin hari ini pasti menang..
BaCA jUga sport